
Artificial Intelligence Commission ICC Poland

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Commission of ICC Poland will address the impact of artificial intelligence on business and law, as well as develop and promote various AI policies and recommendations.

The Commission provides a platform for ICC Poland members to exchange experiences on the use of AI in various industries and to present positions during regulatory processes concerning artificial intelligence.

The main tasks of the AI Commission of ICC Poland include:

  • monitoring the development of national and international AI-related regulations;
  • development and promotion of AI policies and recommendations;
  • organising seminars, training courses and discussions on the use of AI in various sectors of the economy, the tools available and the legal requirements in this area;
  • promoting AI knowledge, as well as the opportunities and risks associated with this technology;
  • partnering with other Commissions by launching joint initiatives and organising meetings on subjects that cut across the other Commissions’ areas of activity;
  • monitoring and participating in consultation and legislative work on artificial intelligence law both in Poland and internationally.



The Presidium of the Commission: 

dr Krzysztof Riedl (Przewodniczący Komisji), Szymon Sieniewicz, Agnieszka Wachowska

How to join:

In order to become a member of the AI Commission of ICC Poland, you must be an individual member of ICC Poland or be affiliated with one of the institutional (supporting) members of ICC Poland. Requests to join the Commission should be sent to the above e-mail address.


ICC Polska powołuje Komisję ds. Sztucznej Inteligencji (AI)


Miło nam poinformować, że ICC Polska – Polski Komitet Narodowy Międzynarodowej Izby Handlowej powołał nową Komisję ds. Sztucznej Inteligencji (AI). Decyzja ta stanowi odpowiedź na rosnący wpływ technologii na biznes w Polsce i na świecie, stwarzając członkom ICC Polska platformę wymiany doświadczeń dotyczących wykorzystywania AI oraz szans, ryzyk i wymogów prawnych z tym związanych. Równocześnie Komisja będzie brać aktywny udział w pracach konsultacyjnych i legislacyjnych w zakresie prawa sztucznej inteligencji. Przewodniczącym Komisji został dr Krzysztof Riedl, partner w kancelarii Łaszczuk i Wspólnicy.

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ICC Poland establishes its AI Commission


We are pleased to let you know that ICC Poland – the Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce has established a new AI Commission. This is in response to the growing impact of technology on business in Poland and worldwide, creating a platform for ICC Poland members to exchange experiences on the use of AI and the opportunities, risks and legal requirements associated with it. At the same time, the Commission will take an active part in consultation and legislative work in the field of artificial intelligence law. Dr Krzysztof Riedl, a partner in Łaszczuk & Partners has been appointed as the Chairperson of the Commission.

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