
The Arbitration Commission of the ICC Poland

The ICC Poland Arbitration Commission consists of all individual members of ICC Poland who are interested in learning about and becoming more involved in ICC’s dispute resolution services in Poland.

The group meets in different parts of Poland and abroad at roundtable discussions, ICC arbitration conferences and via video or telephone conferences.

Working with ICC HQ, the ICC Poland Arbitration Commission leaders help organize conferences, seminars and corporate roundtables to educate the public about ICC’s different dispute resolution services and mechanisms.

ICC Poland Arbitration Nominations Committee

ICC Poland may be requested by the ICC International Court of Arbitration® (“ICC Court”) or the ICC International Centre for ADR (“ICC Centre”) to propose Poland nationals with the required qualifications to serve in each case. ICC Poland may also propose non-nationals residing in Poland. This process is administered by the ICC Poland Arbitration Nominations Committee which interacts with the Secretariat of the ICC Court to enhance the appointment process.

Below is a list of the ICC Poland Arbitration Nominations Committee leaders as of 1 January 2024:

·       Cezary Wiśniewski – President of ICC Poland

·       Rafał Morek – Vice-President of ICC Poland, Chairman of ICC Poland Arbitration Commission  

·       Małgorzata Surdek-Janicka – ICC Vice-President

·       Maciej Jamka – ICC Court Member

·       Bartosz Krużewski – ICC Court Alternate Member

If you are an arbitrator and would like to be considered for an ICC Arbitration, or have any questions about the process please contact Rafał Morek, Chairman of ICC Poland Arbitration Commission.

How To Join

To become a member of the ICC Poland Arbitration Committee, you must be an individual member of ICC Poland and be affiliated with one of the institutional (supporting) members of ICC Poland. For information about becoming a member, please contact ICC Poland Secretary, Paweł Pniewski.


The new Polish Delegation in the ICC Commission of Arbitration and ADR for the 2024-2027 term


We are pleased to announce the new Polish Delegation in the ICC Commission of Arbitration and ADR for the 2024-2027 term. The Polish Delegates will participate in the work of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR in Paris as from 1 July 2024. Delegates are tasked with reporting developments, discussions, and sharing information from Commission and Task Force meetings back to their National Committees (NCs) with the aim of promoting regular communication and ensuring ongoing engagement with the Commission’s projects, published reports, and guides.

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Skład Sądu ICC na kadencję 2024-2027


Z radością informujemy, że na członków Sądu ICC reprezentujących Polskę, na kadencję 2024 -2027, zostali ponownie powołani:  

·       Małgorzata Surdek-Janicka (Wice-Prezes), 

·       Maciej Jamka (Członek Sądu),

·       Bartosz Krużewski (Zastępca Członka Sądu).

W imieniu ICC Polska, wszystkim ponownie powołanym członkom serdecznie dziękujemy za dotychczasową pracę i gratulujemy ponownego powołania.

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2024-05-23 | Crowne Plaza

“Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions” conference

2024-03-28 | Centrum Warszawy, niedaleko Metra Świętokrzyska

ICC Polska zaprasza na kurs “Mindfulness dla prawników - jak być efektywnym prawnikiem i nie zwariować?”

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