

2023-12-14 | Verte Hotel

Disability Inclusion in International Arbitration: Make Arbitration a Better Place

The conference 'Disability Inclusion in International Arbitration: Make Arbitration a Better Place' is now behind us. The event was a chance to meet the members of ICC Task Force on Disability Inclusion as well as best arbitration professionals and discuss an essential topic on how disability inclusion can become a standard feature of arbitration and other forms of alternative dispute resolution.

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Charity Christmas Dinner 2023

This year, we broke records both in terms of attendance and the funds collected during the charity auction (PLN 71,300!). The entire sum will be donated to Małgorzata Szumowska’s Centrum Edukacji Niewidzialna. The Foundation provides psychological support to people with disabilities and their loved ones, especially those living with blindness or visual impairment. It engages in educational initiatives aimed at supporting their independence and dignified lives.

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2023-10-20 | Linklaters Warszawa

ICC Young Arbitration & ADR Forum (ICC YAAF)

On Friday, October 20, ICC Young Arbitration & ADR Forum (ICC YAAF), in cooperation with Linklaters, Poland Very Young Arbitration Practitioners and Moot Alumni Association, organized a panel discussion: “Arbitration Insights: How to Navigate Your Career in International Arbitration?” followed by a cocktail reception. This ICC YAAF accompanied a boot camp organised for young arbitration professionals from the CEE region:  among others Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine, and Poland.  Over 100 participants registered – with the turn out of 97 participants in the audience!

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Minutes of the Open Meeting of the Arbitration Commission of ICC Poland on the ICC Guidance Note on Possible Measures Aimed at Mitigating the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

An Open Meeting of the Arbitration Commission of ICC Poland was held on 13 May 2020. For the first time a meeting of the Arbitration Commission of ICC Poland was held by means of a videoconference, which made it possible not only for the members of the Arbitration Commission of ICC Poland, but also for a few dozen persons interested in arbitration to participate therein. The meeting was based on the ICC Guidance Note on Possible Measures Aimed at Mitigating the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic of 9 April 2020.

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WEBINAR: Arbitraż ICC w czasach pandemii COVID-19: Wytyczne ICC dotyczące możliwych środków służących ograniczeniu wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na postępowania arbitrażowe

6 maja 2020 ICC Polska zorganizowało webinarium poświęcone wpływowi pandemii COVID-19 na postępowania arbitrażowe toczące się na podstawie Regulaminu Arbitrażowego ICC.

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