ICC Poland establishes AI Commission

ICC Poland establishes AI Commission

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Plan szkoleń i konferencji ICC Polska na drugie półrocze 2024

Plan szkoleń i konferencji ICC Polska na drugie półrocze 2024

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Comprehensive Training on Arbitration Practice2024-10-01

Ready to elevate your arbitration skills to the next level?
Registration for the ICC Comprehensive Training on Arbitration Practice at Jagiellonian University is now open!

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The new Polish Delegation in the ICC Commission of Arbitration and ADR for the 2024-2027 term2024-07-16

We are pleased to announce the new Polish Delegation in the ICC Commission of Arbitration and ADR for the 2024-2027 term. The Polish Delegates will participate in the work of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR in Paris as from 1 July 2024. Delegates are tasked with reporting developments, discussions, and sharing information from Commission and Task Force meetings back to their National Committees (NCs) with the aim of promoting regular communication and ensuring ongoing engagement with the Commission’s projects, published reports, and guides.

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