

Invitation to ICC World Chambers Federation’s 11th World Chambers Congress2018-11-07

We are pleased to invite you to the ICC World Chambers Federation’s 11th World Chambers Congress. Please refer to the attached brochure for further details and register now to benefit from the early bird rate . Co-organised with the Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB), our flagship event will take place from 12-14 June 2019 in the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

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In recent months, a number of websites and providers have started to offer information or training on the new Incoterms® 2020 rules. Please be advised that only ICC and its National Committees and groups are in the position to inform you about the current status of the Incoterms® 2020 rules until their publication which is planned for next year.

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Cezary Wiśniewski elected new President and Justyna Szpara Vice-President ICC Poland2018-07-17

This past June, the new members of the Board of ICC Poland were  elected – Cezary Wisniewski was elected the next President, replacing Maciej Jamka in the role. Justyna Szpara was elected Vice-President of the Chamber and Chair of the Arbitration Committee, and replaced Bartosz Krużewski in this position. Two members reconfirmed their positions on the Board, Wojciech Kowalewski as the Treasurer and Paweł Pniewski as Secretary General.


W czerwcu br. nastąpiły zmiany w zarządzie ICC Polska – dr Cezary Wiśniewski został wybrany nowym Prezesem Izby i tym samym zastąpił w tej roli mecenasa Macieja Jamkę. Justyna Szpara została wybrana Wiceprezesem Izby oraz Przewodniczącą Komisji ds. Arbitrażu, zastępując w tej roli mecenasa Bartosza Krużewskiego. W zarządzie pozostali Wojciech Kowalewski jako Skarbnik oraz Paweł Pniewski jako Sekretarz Generalny.

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Międzynarodowe Warsztaty UOKIK. Kartele: wymiana informacji oraz procedura leniency2016-11-08

Marcin Trepka wiceprzewodniczący Komisji Konkurencji ICC Polska oraz Współkierujący Międzynarodową Grupą ds. Karteli i Leniency w Komisji Konkurencji ICC w Paryżu był panelistą podczas Międzynarodowych Warsztatów Prezesa UOKIK dotyczących tematyki karteli oraz programów łagodzenia kar (leniency), które miały miejsce 25 października 2016 r. w Centrum Konferencyjno-Szkoleniowym UOKiK.

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Bid Rigging - Myth or Real Threat2016-06-24

A conference called “Bid Rigging - Myth or Real Threat” took place on 20 June 2016 in Warsaw at the Conference Centre of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. It was organised by the Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Poland) in cooperation with the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Trade, the British-Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Italian Chamber of Trade and Industry in Poland.

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The first two regional meetings of the ICC Poland Commission on Competition are behind us!2015-11-06

On November 23 and 24, 2015, regional meetings were held in Cracow and Poznań by the ICC Poland Commission on Competition with participation of the representatives of the of the Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKIK), dealing with building awareness of competition law among entrepreneurs and encouraging them to have competition law compliance programs in place.

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