

ADR WEDNESDAY: Trans-Pacific Partnership Comes Around2017-03-22

We cordially invite you to read the newest post from the ADR Wednesday series. This week we present an article by Patrycja Treder, a member of the ICC ADR Commission, titled Trans-Pacific Partnership Comes Around.

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Brexit and Current Trends in Mediation: a report from the Symposium at Oxford University2017-02-27

Can Brexit be mediated? What are the current trends in mediation in the US, UK and Germany? 

A report from the 23 January 2017 mediation symposium held at Oxford University (St. Hughes College) prepared by Arkadiusz Czekaj is available to read.

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ADR WEDNESDAY: Dispute Boards: Do they have a future beyond construction disputes?2017-02-22

We cordially invite you to read the newest post from the ADR Wednesday series. This week we present an article by Sabina Kubsik, a member of the ICC ADR Commission, on Dispute Boards: Do they have a future beyond construction disputes?.

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ADR Wednesday: The making of a good mediator - lessons from The Wizard of Oz.2017-02-15

We cordially invite you to read the newest post by Karolina Jackowicz - a member of the ADR Commission of the ICC Poland - on the topic The making of a good mediator - lessons from The Wizard of Oz.

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ADR WEDNESDAY: A Shortcut through Multi-Tier Dispute Resolution Clauses2017-02-08

We cordially invite you to read the newest post by Piotr Golędzinowski - a member of the ADR Commission of the ICC Poland - on the topic A Shortcut through Multi-Tier Dispute Resolution Clauses.

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ŚRODA Z ADR: Zapraszamy do lektury postów członków Komisji ADR.2017-02-08

Zapraszamy do śledzenia postów Komisji ADR publikowanych w każdą środę. 

Posty dostępne są w języku polskim i angielskim na stronie internetowej ICC Polska a także na profilu Komisji ADR na portalu LinkedIn ( 


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